Compassion is
why we're here
No woman should have to face an unplanned pregnancy alone. We are here for you.
No judgement, no opinions, just honest answers and accurate information.
All of our services are free and confidential.
Your Options
If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, there are many things to consider. Our advocates are here to provide information on all of your options so that you can make a fully informed choice. We act as a neutral party, we have no emotional attachment or financial responsibilities that can often cloud the opinions of friends and family.
Our advocates are trained to offer accurate, up to date, information on each of the 3 options. Education is offered in an unbiased, non-judgmental fashion. All clients are treated with dignity, respect and compassion.

Pregnancy Test
We offer a medical grade urine pregnancy test that measures at approximately 20 units of HCG hormone. Your test may be self-administered with instruction or may be administered by our medical staff. After confirming your pregnancy, we are able to offer you an appointment for a free ultrasound.
By using a state-of-the-art ultrasound, we are able to:
• Verify intrauterine pregnancy
• Rule out ectopic pregnancy
• Determine the likelihood of miscarriage
• Determine fetal heart rate
• Estimate fetal age
• Aid you in making an informed choice