If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, there are many things to consider. Our advocates are here to provide information on all of your options so that you can make a fully informed choice. We act as a neutral party, we have no emotional attachment or financial responsibilities that can often cloud the opinions of friends and family.
Our advocates are trained to offer accurate, up to date, information on each of the 3 options. Education is offered in an unbiased, non-judgmental fashion. All clients are treated with dignity, respect and compassion.
You may...

terminate the pregnancy

You may...

make an adoption plan

You may...

choose to parent your baby

Our advocates are trained to offer accurate, up to date, information on each of the 3 options. Education is offered in an unbiased, non-judgmental fashion. All clients are treated with dignity, respect and compassion.
Many women make pregnancy decisions based on panic, fear and lack of information. Don’t let anyone rush you. You deserve to take the time to thoroughly think about the life changing decision you may be facing. We understand what you are going through and want to help.

The Oxford Pregnancy Center is able to educate you about the most common forms of abortion including:

  • What happens during the procedure
  • What physical risks you could experience
  • What emotional side effects are associated with abortion

94% of women, when asked 10 years following the abortion, report that they regret the decision to terminate. 65% of these women experience more than 3 of the 20 common symptoms on a daily basis.

See the Most Common Symptoms.

The Oxford Pregnancy Center has trained advocates to help you navigate your feelings about your past abortion and set you on the road to healing.

Helpful Links:

Healing Hearts Ministry  Ramah International  |  At Home Abortion Facts  Lifetime Adoption

If you have an abortion in your past and are struggling with difficult emotional symptoms, there is help available.

Choosing parents for the child you are carrying through adoption is a loving, healthy option. The Oxford Pregnancy Center is able to offer education on what an adoption plan may look like for you.

The Oxford Pregnancy Center is able to teach you about and refer you to multiple community agencies that can help you provide for your baby. The type of aid that may be available to you includes:

  • Free medical insurance referral
  • Prenatal care referral
  • Free baby formula and diapers
  • Free clothing and baby items
  • Housing information
  • Parenting education


We can walk you through the steps of healthy decision making. Gathering all the necessary information about the options available to you and exploring how you feel about each one is important. Taking time to really think will help you make the best decision for your future.

No opinions. No judgment. Just honest answers and a listening ear.